On January 8, 2022, in the event “Hành trình mùa xuân lên rừng xuống biển”, VinaCapital and the VinaCapital Foundation (VCF) were honored and proud to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union for our efforts and essential contributions to the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund during the past year.

VinaCapital and the VinaCapital Foundation receive the Certificate of Merit for contributions to the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund

Since 2009, VCF has collaborated with Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund to award 1,195 scholarships to ethnic students with excellent academic records. Among that, 100 fully-funded 7-year scholarships for high school and university have been given to ethnic minority girls through the Brighter Path program of the VinaCapital Foundation. In addition, Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund is our important partner in the implementation of the pilot project Brighter Path Girls’ Club for ethnic minority girls in Thai Nguyen province.

Together with VinaCapital, VCF continues establishing a sustainable and long-term partnership with the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund and contributes to providing education and brighter futures for ethnic minority students.

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